Thursday, November 24, 2011

Occupational therapy tools

 Each occupational therapist has a set of therapeutic tools.  We are constantly sharpening and oiling these tools by taking courses and learning from others.

Here are some of my tools:

     1.  Sensory Integration
     2.  Masgutova Method

     3.  Neuro-developmental Treatment

    4.  Myofascial Release

    5.  Therapeutic Listening
    6.  Therapeutic Activities

    7.  Therapeutic Exercise
    8.  Activities of Daily Living
    9.  Cognitive Re-training

   10.  Serial Casting
   11.  Splinting

Each therapist will have a set of their own tools.  Aside from these tools, each therapist has experience with different diagnoses, different age ranges, and different types of settings (hospital, skilled nursing, schools, pediatric clinics, etc.)

To a person on the outside, therapy may look all the same.  Sometimes it looks like we're just playing.  Yet each activity has a purposeful goal.

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